Essay: Buffalo National Soldier Museum

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Buffalo National Soldier Museum Buffalo National Soldier museum was opened in the year 2000. It is one of the unique museums in Houston that shows the role of the Blacks in U.S army from the first all-black regiments in U.S army who were called “Buffalo soldiers” to the present. The museum has different parts in two floors. At the first floor, which is the main exhibit gallery, there are Buffalo soldiers’ room and also astronauts ‘room. There is also a beautiful gift shop at the first stair. At the second floor, there is a video room where film about the Buffalo soldiers’ history has been shown. There are also two photo rooms at the second floor which are a wonderful collection of photos about African-American soldiers’ life. Although during the Civil War a lot of African-American regiments were established which most of their members were originally former slaves who had served in the Union Army; but the “Buffalo Soldiers” was the first all-black regiment in U.S. army that was established by the congress during the peacetime. “Buffalo Soldiers” were members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment which formed on 1866. But after some years, this name refers to…show more content…
Their regiments should be all Black and they must be commanded by both White and black officers. They were sometimes suffered from the racial behavior of both the members of the U.S army and civilians. But besides all of their problems, they always tried to do their best which caused them participateing not only in Indian Wars but also in a lot of other wars such as Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War and etc. Based on my experience, “Buffalo National Soldiers museum” is one of the best places to be familiar with the history of the African-American. It helps people to know the great roles of the African American soldiers who played huge part in fighting for
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