Erasmus Darwin & Jean-Baptiste Lamarckhistory

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Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) was an England physician, philosopher, inventor, and poet. He published several works explaining an evolutionary view of life including The botanic garden published in two parts, Zoonomia also published in two volumes, and The temple of nature (Wade, 2002). He believed that there was a God who created the life on earth and after plants and animals developed without his intervention, growing naturally (Schultz & Schultz, 2012). He also created and anticipated many evidence for evolution that later Charles Darwin, his grandson will discuss, including animals and plant changes due to different climate or metamorphosis processes. Robert Darwin, father of Charles was the third son of his first marriage (Wade, 2002). Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) was a French naturalist who in his old age (more than 50 years old) made his major impact when he turned from natural philosopher to zoologist. He was the first scientist to use the term “biology” found in manuscripts that Lamarck called La Biologie. He also published several other volumes including Histoire naturelles des animaux between 1815 and 1822, and Philosophie zoologique ou exposition des considerations relatives à l’histoire naturelle des animaux published in 1809 (Por, 2006). Lamarck formulated the progressive behavior, describing the animal changes as a form of evolution to adapt to the environment in which they live (Schultz & Schultz, 2012). The organisms transmit the changes to the next generation; the lowest animals react by irritability, the higher with instinct, and the highest react with intelligence actions. This concept was ridiculed caricaturized with a drawing of a giraffe neck that was growing to reach the tallest trees; unfortunately this was the only picture that students remembered Lanmarck (Por,
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