Environmental Pollution Scenario Review and Summary

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Environmental Pollution Scenario Review and Summary SCI/256 August 24, 2015 Environmental Pollution Scenario Review and Summary “Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles adversely” (Conserve Energy Future). In today’s society, pollution is an everyday occurrence that no one thinks twice about. Unfortunately, because of that thought process, the world as we know it, is slowly being eaten away by the contaminates created by human beings. “With modernization and development in our lives pollution has reached its peak; giving rise to global warming and human illness” (Conserve Energy Future). However, if society can change their thought process and pay more attention to the Earth, then there may just be a way to allow regeneration and create a positive impact. Measures to Take There are many different ways people can change and things they can do to make a positive impact on the Earth. The city of Stars Hollow will be implementing the following measures to educate and reduce the amount of pollution its citizens have on the city. The city will be encouraging its citizens to find an alternative transportation method. Most people use cars, however, cars create emissions and thus air pollutants. If more people made a conscious effort to ride a bicycle or walk they would be aiding the city in cutting down on the amount of emissions produced. Another way to cut back on pollutants, is to create more green spaces, for example, creating more parks and/or establishing preserves within the city. By creating more green space and allowing the Earth to naturally produce, the city is allowing for more oxygen to be created. This allows for the growth of animals as well. Also, improving road conditions throughout the city, will create safer routes but will
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