English Essay About Charlie

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English essay There are many things in life, which are important. This short story is about a guy called Charlie, who’s trying to find something he lost. But he has a hard time coping with reality, and a hard time holding on to a dream, that probably not going to come true. Charlie is going through a lot, and he’s telling us from his story from his perspective. The short story is about a guy named Charlie. He’s the main character and narrator, and in the story he describes a typical day in his life. He’s also trying to find out, and understand where his life took a turn. He used to be a childhood soap opera star, until he hit puberty. Now he wants to find that person he was, and become a star again. He’s obsessed with meeting celebrities, so he drives around LA trying to run into some famous people. In the mornings he likes to go down to the Santa Monica beach, where he’s hoping to meet Christopher Isherwood. And at night, he likes to go to a bar on Sunset, because Bobby de Niro likes to show up for a drink. He’s very obsessed with what LA has to offer, and all he wants is to become someone again. He lives with a woman called Vanessa, she is his mother’s girlfriend and he calls her his aunt. They live in Beverly Glen, with Vanessa’s two dogs. The narrator is Charlie, and we hear about his daily life in LA. In the story Charlie says: “It seems to me that everybody in their life is at least two people. Once when you’re an adult and once when you’re a child. It’s the saddest thing.” (l.48 p.4.) He’s saying that he’s not the same person anymore, and his personality has changed as well his view on life. And the way he views himself has also changed, as if he has failed at life. He failed at being a movie star, a husband, and a father. He lost his mother already at the age of 25, and I’m sure that it affected him a lot, and also changed him. I also understand

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