Emotive Language Essay

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Emotive Language Conclusions Emotive Language is more likely to pique the interest of someone browsing over newspaper headings than something with normal to bland language words. Raced or rushed are more appealing to someone than words like ran or jogged. The nature of emotive language is that of dramatization and more or less theatrics. If this is applied to wording it makes an article jump out or seem more enticing in the eyes of a passerby. Emotive language could elicit emotional ties in the reader and so result in a bigger of an impact made on the reader. For example a piece with better more emotive of a title can change the person’s perception of it by making them feel more emotionally invested in the piece. If they see “Political meeting ends in riot in Springfield Missouri” they may say “Oh no! There was a riot in Springfield. I used to live there, I’ll buy this magazine as a result to my deep emotional reaction to this headline so I can read more.” Whereas if it had simply said disturbance or something equally less appealing it may have interested the viewer but not nearly as much so. Emotive writing is in other words as much about selling the piece as it is about good writing. If a journalist is trying to have his piece read and not just printed he will use emotive language in attempts to draw the reader in even if they have no real interest in the topic at hand. In summary emotive language makes your writing more readable, more likely to be read, and more relatable in the way that people can often feel more emotionally attached to a piece with descriptive and often exaggerative
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