Emily Dickinson -I Dwell in Possibility

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Emily Dickinson's "I dwell in Possibility" I dwell in Possibility-- A fairer House than Prose-- More numerous of Windows-- Superior--for Doors - Of Chambers as the Cedars-- Impregnable of Eye-- And for an Everlasting Roof The Gambrels of the Sky-- Of Visitors--the fairest-- For Occupation--This-- The spreading wide my narrow Hands To gather Paradise-- * Emily Dickinson is again talking about her vocation as a poet, which she compares favorably to prose, largely through the metaphor of the two as houses. * She sees poetry as open and limitless (“I dwell in Possibility”), and more beautiful (“A fairer house than Prose”). * Poetry is also tied to nature, its rooms “as the Cedars,” and its roof made up by the sky (“And for an Everlasting Roof/The Gambrels of the Sky”). * In the first stanza the ‘numerous of Windows’ shows that the reader is allowed to have multiple perspective. Moreover, the ‘superior-for doors’ shows that somehow she wants to keep the reader out. * Those who visit are “the fairest”, which can be taken to be the more beautiful, but also, the more careful in their judgments. The ones who want to dwell in possibility with her. * The occupation for those 'to gather Paradise,' may be interpreted as the creation of poetry. * “This”, on the fourth stanza, refers to the action of discovering the ‘self’ in the writing - the process of understanding poetry. * The poem is explaining that the imagination can be as vast as the subjects of its speculations. It also shows how poetry enables one to grasp so much more than one otherwise

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