Elonis V. United States: Case Study

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With the rapid development of the society, Internet plays a larger and larger role in our daily life. The question of how free we are when we express ourselves online also becomes an issue. The Supreme Court deals with a case called Elonis v. United States this term, which involves a man says on Facebook that he will kill his wife, a FBI agent, and bomb an elementary school. As far as I am concerned, the Supreme Court should limit the extension of such kind of violent speech because it has already caused threats to other individuals and the society as a whole, and such fact is more important than whether he intended to do so or not. Elonis believes that his right of free speech under the protection of the First Amendment was violated. As his lawyer argues, “[Elonis has] no ‘subjective’ intent to threaten” so that his…show more content…
Especially we need to recognize that the Internet is a public environment everyone has access to. As Justice Samuel Alito, Jr. argued, “Protecting this kind of Internet speech posed ‘a very grave threat of domestic violence” (Denniston). Elonis’ case is definitely different from Virginia v. Black in 2003 because burning a cross does not show a clear message and only involves a limited amount of people, but Elonis’ words online can speak clearly that he would do something and convey to a much wider audience, making them fear and nervous. If everyone is free to speak any violence word as Elonis did online, the society will be in completely chaos. Everyone will live in fear because saying terrorism is all right. In conclusion, although the freedom of speech is the very first basic human right for the American citizens, Elonis’ argument should not be protected because his freedom intervenes other people’s personal safety and freedom. We are never absolutely free because we are always bounded by certain laws, and only in that way we can enjoy our own freedom

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