Elon Musk Thesis Statement

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Elon musk is a billionaire tech mogul from south africa and his work is visible in everyday pop culture. His ability to build multimillion dollar companies has been a talent of his since he was very young. He started off his entrepreneurial life by creating x.com which is now called paypal. A company that revolutionized the way we pay for consumer goods was completed in his mid twenties. So what else was next for elon? What else could he put on his chopping block? For Elon the next step was easy. He planned on revolutionizing the space and automobile industry. These came in the form of spacex, the government contracted space company, and Tesla, the company that specializes in creating better battery technology and primarily places it into cars. With spacex Elon was just trying to fulfill one of his oldest dreams. To be born on earth and to die on mars. The only problem he ran into was that innovation on the spacial frontier had essentially died with the space race. This forced him to create his own company in which he had no guarantee would succeed. For the early…show more content…
Musk was a risk taker and took an even bigger risk by launching a company his brother Kimbal called zip2 using $28,000 of their father’s money and funds from angel investor the two brothers took advantage of a growing new enterprise called the Internet. Is it made to take advantage of what the internet can offer and Musks’ Company developed online city guides for newspaper publishers. Before long it had won the contracts of some of the biggest players in the newspaper industry such as The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. But there was tension, Musk wanted to be CEO, but the board stood firm against the move. In 1999 right before the dot com bubble was about to burst. The company was sold to Compaq for 1.5 billion and Elon received 7% in stock options totaling 164 million

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