Elevator Speech Essay

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Elevator Speech Today was a Monday and I had to work a double shift. After working my first shift, I went on my break to do some studying. I had a two hour break and I thought I could get bunch of studying done. Halfway through my break Josh, a coworker and a good friend, came by and sat down right next to me. He looked at my laptop and asks if I were playing poker online? I turned to him without taking my eyes off the monitor and said “No, I'm trying to get some studying time before my break is over.” Josh asked “How does going to school online working out for you? I know it's not like being in a classroom with other people.” I told Josh that it was very convenient. I can log on at any time, turn in work as early as I want and even receive all my studying and reading materials all online. Then Josh started wondering how I kept in touch with my classmates and my instructors. He asked if I communicated with them through a chat room. I said “We keep in touch with each other through a forum format. The instructor, classmates or I would start off with a post and then others would reply to the post and it builds on top of each other. It's called threaded discussion.” Josh asked “If that was the case do you need to be logged on at the same time with everyone?” I said “No, that's the beauty of it all. Everyone logs in whenever they want to. One person can be logged on or a bunch of people can log on at the same time. We call it asynchronous communication.” Josh said “Wow that's a big word. They teach you that online?” I laughed and said “You like that huh? You're not the only one with big words in your vocabulary.” Josh asked “How do you find out how you're doing with your school work or get help from someone. I stated “We get feedback from our instructor. I would just email or post a question in my individual forum to my instructor and

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