Elder Abuse And Victimization

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Elder Abuse and Victimization The elder in American society occupies a unique social niche. Most have been, and many continue to be, active, involved, and independent individuals. However, due to both disease processes and normal physiological changes, many elders eventually experience what is referred to as a second childhood. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, they become dependent upon others for one or many life activities and decisions. This dependence, usually in combination with one or more other variables, can leave the elder vulnerable to abuse. This abuse is a silent epidemic, affecting tens of thousands of aging seniors every year. They depend on others to help them, but often they become vulnerable to abuse from family members,…show more content…
In order to help reduce the incidence of elder abuse it will take great effort. To prevent elder abuse three things must be done, listening to seniors and their caregivers, intervening when there is suspected abuse, and educating others about how to recognize and report elder abuse. Doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel can play a vital role in assisting abuse victims. Physicians cite a lack of current knowledge concerning state laws on elder abuse, concern about angering those involved, possible court appearances, absence of cooperation from elderly patients or families, and lack of time. Educating and training professionals and families on elder abuse, legislation, and warning signs will help to minimize the abuse and identify those cases of…show more content…
J. (1985). Victimization of the elderly: Analysis of the level of social functioning in the community. an exploratory study (abuse, crimes). The Ohio State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 321-321 p. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/303419419?accountid=35812. (303419419). Lachs, M. S., & Pillemer, K. (2004). Elder abuse. The Lancet, 364(9441), 1263-72. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/198993110?accountid=35812 McCabe, Kimberly A., Gregory, Sharon S. Research on Aging. May 1998 v20 n3 p363(10). Retrieved from
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