Effects of Poverty

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Yu Chen 9/17/14 Effects of Poverty Poverty exists all over the world. Even the United States of America needs to face the problems of poverty. The effects of poverty are shown in many different ways. There are three bad effects that always happen: livelihood, inadequate education and mental problems. The first effect of poverty is on livelihood. Poor people have no money to buy a house. They can only live in an apartment or a room of an apartment. The place they live is cheap, but it is small for a family with more than three or four people. And people who live in a room will be inconvenient because they need to share the bathroom and other things in the apartment. People do not have money to buy articles for daily use. They only can use the articles they had even though these articles are old and tattered. And people do not have money to buy enough food. Some people may still have money to buy food for three meals a day. Some people only have enough money to buy food for dinner. These people can only buy the low price food, and the food may be unhealthy. The second effect of poverty is the children’s education. Children are the hopes of their parents, but parents cannot give their children a good education. “Children from poor backgrounds lag behind at all stages of education” (Scarlet Shelton par. 9). Many children cannot go to college or high school because their parents have no money to pay their tuition. It will affect children to find a good job in the future because they do not have college degrees. In some cases, children need to work early because parents cannot afford the expenditure of the family. It will affect children’s academic and sometimes children need to quit school to concentrate on work. And parents have no money to buy clothes for their children. It will affect children’s feelings because when they see other children wear better clothes
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