Effects of Police Brutality

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Group A Mrs. Johnson English 101 2 June 2015 The Effects of Police Brutality According to Wikipedia, the word "brutality" has several meanings; the sense used here (savage cruelty) was first used in 1633.The term "police brutality" was in use in the American press as early as 1872, when the Chicago Tribune reported on the beating of a civilian under arrest at the Harrison Street Police Station. Police brutality has been and continues to be a major effect on today’s society. This effects of police brutality can either be psychological, physical or can cause the victims to feel this abuse for a lifetime, meaning long term health issues. Psychological trauma faced by victims manifests itself in many ways, such as stress, anxiety, fear, paranoia, distrust, insomnia, anorexia, and depression. Such psychological symptoms can further be manifested as Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an affliction that can lead to panic attacks, depression, substance abuse or suicidal tendencies. Police brutality does not necessarily guarantee the victim will develop PTSD, but it makes it more likely to occur. Psychological stress often consumes many facets of victims’ lives, adversely affecting job performance, ability to sustain employment, and everyday interactions with family and associates. Moreover, the families of fatally injured victims often suffer many of the same psychological tolls. Another psychological effect of police of police brutality is the way a victim views law enforcement after being attacked. Some individuals end up assuming all law enforcement takes advantage of their authoritative positions. In some cases, this creates an even bigger issue concerning retaliation of the victims themselves. In addition to psychological effects, victims can undergo from physical effects. In

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