Effects of Pesticides

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Since humanity was born, people are inventing products according to needs that will make life easier. They have many positive sides, but also negative sides, too and pesticides are one of them. Pesticides, also known as ‘’DDT’s are the chemicals that make the produced products perfect and free the agricultural land from parasites. There are four types of them and they are called herbicides( to kill weeds), insecticides( to kill insects), fungicides( to kill fungi, mold and mildew) and lastly, rodenticides( to kill rodents). It is a very popular chemical and is used over one billion tons just in U.S. every year. According to the high usage it may be thought that DDT’s are completely harmless and beneficial, but when the truth is surfaced it can easily be seen that except a few positive effects, the use of pesticides has negative effects on economical, agricultural and enviromental factors. First of all, the negative affects of pesticides outweigh the positive ones. The most hazardous affect of this chemical is its damaging the balance of environment by ruining the ecosystem Once it is applied, it not only effects the products, but also the organisms that live near them or eat them. Thus, the chemical enters the natural food chain. A bug would absorb the pesticide, and be eaten by a bird or other insectivore. That animal would then absorb whatever of the pesticide the bug hadn't metabolised or ejected. From there, it would be passed on through the food chain and be spreaded. It is actually not very useful, because although it kils pests, it does not solve the pest problems permanently( Conditions should be changed to end up this problem.). Not only this, but also it effects the source of life; water, due to eutrophication ; An ecosystem response to the addition of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and
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