Effects of Industrializatio and Imperialism

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Effects of Industrialization and Imperialism On the 19th Century World Abstract Industrialization and imperialism had a profound effect on the 19th century world. The change from an agricultural economic basis to that of one of an industrial nature caused racial, ethnic and class problems to be developed throughout and between countries. Strong industrialized nations became omnipresent and controlled countries with an agricultural, non industrialized economy. Through this new found power, industrialized nations served as an impetus to these agricultural nations to begin their quest towards industrialization. Effects of Industrialization and Imperialism On the 19th Century World Introduction Industrialization served as a godsend to some nations and the beginning of the end of life as they knew it to others. It began the dominance of capitalistic countries over those which remained part of the feudal system. Countries which began to develop with capitalism became powerful and wealthy. They demanded agricultural goods and raw materials from the less developed nations. This process was the beginning of imperialism. Imperialism is defined as, “the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly: the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence.” (Merriam Webster, 2002) Industrialization spurred the development of imperialism. As nations became economically superior they began to dominate and control other, lesser developed, nations. At this point, underdeveloped nations had to either begin their own process towards industrialization or remain subservient to more powerful nations. As a whole, agricultural nations were part of the feudal system. Therefore, the
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