Effect of Financial Crisis on Junk Food

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ECONOMIC CRISIS :: JUNK FOOD CONSUMPTION : HEALTH (By, GUNJAN SINGHVI) Finally the balloon with loads & loads of pressure comprising of financial crisis has finally burst out & has affected almost all areas & resulted in GLOBAL RECESSION. It’s now no more in hidden files that we are facing a severe financial crisis of unprecedented dimensions in a world that has never before been so closely connected and interdependent. The consequences are global & the situation is volatile. The current financial crisis is rapidly becoming an economic crisis and threatens to become a social crisis in many countries. The whole world is facing economic crisis, and people everywhere have begun to feel the changes. Financial struggles can be stressful, but they do not have to overpower our complete outlook on life. Keeping a positive attitude during the economic crisis is a key to overcoming it. Many find it helpful to spend a few moments in an activity that offers some serenity. For many, this may include prayer or meditation. For others, sitting on the porch to breathe some fresh air, watch a sunset, or witness a sunrise may help one to feel calm yet refreshed. Physical exercise such as walking, jogging, or bicycling, even if only a short distance down the street, can help many people feel better able to tackle any problem. This is somehow making people closer to Healthy Environment It is not yet clear what the current financial crisis will mean for low-income and emerging sections of society, but many predictions are highly pessimistic. In the face of a global recession, the income graph of middle class & lower class families is touching the hazardous level. People working in MNC’s, Banks, Airlines, & other affected companies, are being shown the exit door, while others are forced to accept the low salary option for the same job profile. Business worldwide is
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