Education Now and Then

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Education now and then Society, economy, people… the world has changed as the years passed by. Because change is carried out when solutions to problems are needed. Take for example the case of the need people have to communicate around the world; this issue brought forth the development / change of teaching methods and techniques in order to improve foreign language acquisition, especially English, which is the lingua franca nowadays. So, education is not indifferent to change. Education is one of the most significant fields in our lives because the better level of education you get, the higher the place in society you occupy, on the grounds that if one has the necessary knowledge to solve problems, one is in high regard within society. Therefore, this process of handling knowledge must evolve with the aim of meeting the needs of the current ever-moving world, which means, making people more and more able to tackle problems. To understand how education, in this case, has been changing, it is necessary to compare what used to happen some generations ago and what is taking place now. There have not been only technological changes in education but also social ones. The following examples will clearly illustrate this point. When we refer to technology, we have to establish a big difference between our time and our parents´ for instance. We can say that in our parents´ generation people used to have the most modern technological supplies that were the TV and the video tape recorder. They could not imagine having a computer in each room of the house or even a ten year old child having a cell phone. People were not so demanding of technology as they are now. Teachers only had books, chalks and the blackboard that were the most important resources in the classroom. I remember my mother saying: “when we had the opportunity of watching a video at school, it was a real
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