Eddhod8 Unit 4 Assignment 4

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EDPHOD8 -­‐ 882674 March 17, 2014 THE EDUCATOR IN A PASTORAL ROLE EDPHOD8 SEMESTER 1 ASSIGNEMNT 1 UNIQUE NUMBER: 882674 NOTE: Due to the late arrival of the learning materials 2 weeks back, assignment due date was moved to 17 March 2014. 1 EDPHOD8 -­‐ 882674 March 17, 2014 ASSIGNMENT 01 Scenario: Tina is…show more content…
(Study guide, p. 98, section Concept Counseling can be defined as a facilitative process during which the counselor, working within the framework of a special relationship, uses specific skills to help young people to help themselves more effectively (Gillis 1997:2). Counseling is the professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes. If a learner experiences learning problems and encounters significant problems in acquiring reading, writing, comprehension and mathematical skills, and if professional facilities for therapy are not available, teachers may have no option but to help the learners themselves. Support for learning problems can come from friends and family. Counseling for the same problem can come from someone certified to counsel. • Tina’s marks have dropped. There is a clear discrepancy between what she is capable of and what she is presently achieving. A well-planned study programme may provide her with “structure”; something she may need at the
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