Eco/1312 Week 2 Research Paper

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ECON 1312 Homework Assignment # 2 Chapter 4 1. Why do we need a units-free measure of the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good or service to a change in its price? Answer: To measure or to compare the demand of the two unrelated goods or services. 2. Define the price elasticity of demand and show how it is calculated. Answer: The units-free measure of the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in it s price when all other influences on buying plans remain the same. 3. What is the total revenue test? Explain how it works. Answer: A method of estimating the price elasticity of demand by observing the change in total revenue that results from a change in the price, when all other influences…show more content…
When the price of a good falls and the price of other goods and a consumer’s income remain the same, explain what happens to the consumption of the good whose price has fallen and to the consumption of other goods. Answer: When the price of a good falls and the price of other goods and a consumer’s income remains the same, there will be more consumption of a good and other goods. 10. If a consumer’s income increases and if all goods are normal goods, explain how the quantity bought of each good changes. Answer: The consumer must determine the quantities of movies and soda that make their marginal utilities per dollar. There will be a rise of the demand of all goods. 11. What is the paradox of value and how is this paradox resolved? Answer: The paradox of value - is value of a good with a lower price but with a high value and a good with higher price with lower value. Paradox value is resolved by distinguishing between total utility and marginal utility. 12. What are the similarities between utility and temperature? Answer: They are both abstract concepts. The concept of utility helps us to make predictions about consumption choices in much the same way that the concept of temperature helps us to make prediction about
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