E=Mc2 Einstein's Big Idea

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Einstein used a combination of theories on mass, energy and light to come up with his formula of e=mc2 and from that he became the father of modern physics. Michael Faraday was an uneducated English blacksmith who grew up in the 19th century. When Faraday was 20, he received tickets to a series of lectures at the Royal Institution that was the beginning of his journey into science . Faradays interests in science soon brought him to the top of his field where he discovered the invisible fields of electricity and magnetism .He created the law of conservation of energy which is the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. Faraday also discovered the electromagnetic waves when conducting an experiment that later on led to the invention of the electric motor. James Clark Maxwell worked with Faraday in his later year of life. Maxwell later on proved Faradays idea for electromagnetism. Maxwell on demonstrated light was a wave of electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell also discovered the speed of light and found out it is impossible to catch up with it. . Faraday and Maxwell were both doubted by many people but later on were proven correct on their discoveries. In France during the 18th century a French couple, Antoine-Laurent and Marie Anne Lavoisier, discovered the Conservation of mass. Together they demonstrated the total amount of mater is conserved in any chemical reaction even when its form is changed from solid, liquid, or gas. The total amount of mass will remain the same from beginning to end. Marie Anne and Antoine faced angry citizens that did not believe the theory they came up with. Antoine was later on sentenced to death during the French Revolution by John Paul a man who once brought an idea to him but due to his obsession to detail he rejected it. In France during the 18th century a talented young French woman
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