Dynastic Cycle

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Dynastic Cycle: Confucian Historians saw a pattern in 3 stages – “mandate of heaven” - stage one: wars that eventually lead to unification - proof that heaven has given the unifier the right to rule - the ruler consolidate his power, restores peace, & economic growth follows - the peak of the cycle is marked by public works & military expansion - the country (China) appears invincible - stage two: cycle turns downward - costs of expansion & and extravagance in court/government cause heavy taxes - energy of ruler pales (slows) - corruption & gossip in court/government - stage three: public works are in disrepair, floods, disease, rebellions, collapse - the last stage is also marked by a loss of morals in the court/government…show more content…
-The defeat was part of a larger rebellion that began after the First Emperor's death. -The people were dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Qin leaders and their legalist form of government. -Chinese history portrays the Han as having implemented many changes to the government, evidence shows that the Han continued to rule in the tradition of the Qin, only gradually incorporating Confucian ideals into their legalist form of government. - rose after the rebellions of the Ch’in (stage one) - (stage two) Wu Ti (emperor) brought new economic policies, built canals, established granaries for surplus grain, increased taxes on merchants, created government monopolies (salt, copper coins, iron & liquor) - Debate on monopolies after Wu Ti’s death: “Salt & Iron Debate” - Legalists said: state should enjoy profits from salt & iron - Confucians said: leave resources in private hands for moral purity (government would be corrupted by dealings with merchants) - Confucian ideas begin to influence the legalists (emperors see Confucian scholars as bookish) - Confucian ideas shaped the moral of men w/o external restraints…show more content…
- yin & yang - OPPOSITION: Everything has two opposite aspects. Yin & Yang struggle with and control each other. - INTER-DEPENDENCE: Yin & Yang define each other and therefore one cannot exist without the other. (If there is no down, which way is up?) - 5 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood - Emperors & citizens must act in accord with Heaven’s natural system, then all would go well - If not in accord, Heaven would send a warning: a blue dog, an eclipse, a comet - If not heeded, misfortunes would follow - Confucian scholars claimed to understand nature’s messages & advised emperor - Advances in Han “science” – seismograph, astronomy, music & medicine - Inventions: paper, wheelbarrow, rudders, compass - Wrote more history than any other civilization, and more accurate too - History seen as a lesson book or mirror - Used firsthand accounts & primary sources in

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