Dx Pathophysiology

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Pathophysiology Why does it matter: DDx 1. Physician will consider many differential diseas as true source of symptoms. Known as DDx 2. Subj. Complaints/Risk FactorsDDXObj. eval/PE/Lab/Rad seultsFinal Dx 3. All questions asked by physician during HPI investigate specific subj. complaints that may lead to or away from a particular DDx 4. Every disease has a specific ASSOC. SYMPTOMS that raise physicians suspicion for that disease (PERTINENT POSITIVE) 5. Symptoms are not present (PERTINENT NEGATIVES), physician doubts certain diagnoses 6. Physician has suspicions about a disease, will order OBJECTIVE STUDY that can diagnose/rule out. Many diseases can be ruled out/diagnoses by PE Example Pathophysiology Subj. Obj.…show more content…
Sx: Pertinent positives, sx that raise suspicion for the dz Pert. Neg.: Pertinent negatives, sx lower suspicion for dz Assoc. Med: Medications related to the dz PE: common PE findings assoc with the disease Dx by: How dz is diagnosed/ruled out Scribe Alert: important info I should know General Dehydration (major DDx) Etiology: shortage of fluids in the body most commonly caused by vomiting/diarrhea. May be caused by Long periods of poor PO intake CC: Lethargic/Listless, Sunken Eyes, Poor UOP (urine output) PE: DMM (dry mucous membranes), cries w/o tears, sunken fontanel or eyes, tachycardic, poor skin tugor Dx by: Clinically, Na+ from basic metabolic panel ScribeAlert: UOP best indicator, always document how frequent patient makes wet diapers. Document cries with tears on exam to indicated well hydrated. (Example: UOP x
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