Duong Van Mai Elliott's The Sacred Willow

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While writing your book review, you must fully answer ALL of the following questions about Duong Van Mai Elliott?s The Sacred Willow. Be sure to include specific examples from the book to support your answers: 1. Within the preface to The Sacred Willow, the book?s author claimed that one of the themes of her work involved ?the irony and unpredictability of history.? She further stated that ?like the willow, [the Vietnamese people] have bent with the wind, but remain unbroken.? What exactly did Duong Van Mai Elliott mean by these statements? 2. Analyze how the author portrayed the following topics within The Sacred Willow. What seems to be the author?s personal feelings about these topics? What events or individuals specifically served…show more content…
Beginning before French colonization, Duong Van Mai Elliott traces trials and triumphs of her family up to her own generation. Born in 1941 during the Japanese occupation, she would move from North to South Vietnam all the way to America, influenced by the war shaking her country. Beautifully written, The Sacred Willow offers fresh views of a country and its people. Luck and serious studies raise great-grandfather Duong Lam from poverty to the top. Their new rank brings the Duong family into a working relationship with the French, who colonize Vietnam by 1888. After World War II, The Sacred Willow shows the inner divisions of a people. Initially, because of his uncompromising opposition to the French, many members of the traditional Duong family embrace Ho Chi Minh. As they become disillusioned with his Communism, most move South. Yet among the twelve surviving children, Mai’s sister Phu joins the Communists, while Mai herself studies and marries in America and returns to interrogate Communist prisoners. Her book continues to chronicle events as they unfold up to the end of the twentieth
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