Due Process And The Adversarial System: Post-Arrest

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Due Process 1 Due Process Due Process 2 Due Process Introduction In my paper I will be talking about many things and those things that I will be talking about are the concepts of due process, about the adversarial system, and the process of post-arrest after a crime has been committed. Everything I talk about in my paper is very important in that it helps with the due process the adversarial system and the post-arrest procedures. You read all about these…show more content…
Due process is also the law which it is based on that of the idea that at the legal proceedings they can not interfere with that of life, the liberty or that of the property is treated unfairly. You also have the due process in the fifth and the fourteenth amendment that are guaranteed that the person will be able to have notice of the proceedings and that they are given the opportunity to be able to be heard prior to any seizures of , the life, the liberty, and the property. Due process is also the principal that the government must be able to respect that of all of the legal rights that should owed to the people that is according to the law. Due process it is also holds the government to make sure that they are following the law and protecting the individuals from the state. If a person becomes harmed by that of the government they have to follow the law and if they don't follow it will end up as a constitutes of a due process violation that will end up offending against the rule of the law. With the due process it is divided into a substantive and procedural categories. With the substantive process it relates to the general rights like the freedom of speech and the right to privacy. With the procedural process it relates to be able to…show more content…
Also the adversarial system is important to in the fact that they help listen to cases. The post-arrest is also important because if things aren't done right then no post-arrest will be able to have a post arrest. So you see all of these things are important to anyone, and the government. But as you can see there are so many things that help the people in protecting their rights and making sure that when the initial crime happens that everything goes according to the law so nothing gets messed and the criminal ends getting off because of some mess ups that happened during the process. So it is important that we keep everything on track and follow all of the
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