Drug Trafficking In The United States Research Paper

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Drug Trafficking in the United States Kimula Williams English 122, English Comp. 2 Instructor Nicole Yurchak July 23, 2012 Drug Trafficking in the United States Drug trafficking is a huge problem for the border patrol and other law enforcement agencies. I hope to provide and learn all I can to help further my knowledge on this topic. I plan to use many different sources to help provide the information I need to complete my research. Drug trafficking in the United States Drug trafficking in the United States is one of the most profitable in the world. It attracts the most ruthless, sophisticated and aggressive drug traffickers around the world. 60 million people enter the U.S. on more than 675,000 commercial and private flights.…show more content…
There are people who violate these laws every day in some way shape or form. The DEA have provided a chart as to how many laws have been violated. They are as follows; Source: BJS, Federal Justice Statistics 2006, Statistical Tables, NCJ 225711, May 2009. State court The State Court Processing Statistics (SCPS) program revealed that of persons charged with a felony drug offense in 2004 in the 75 most populous counties -- * 60% were released prior to case disposition * 35% were held on bail * 5% were denied bail Pretrial status of defendants charged with drug offenses, 1998-2004 | Pretrial status and type of release | 1998 | 2000 | 2004 | | | Total | 100 | % | 100 | % | 100 | % | Released | 68 | % | 64 | % | 60 | % | | Financial total | 33 | % | 31 | % | 32 | % | | | Surety bond | 23 | | 22 | | 24 |
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