Driving Age Increase

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Should The Driving Age Be Increased? Would people feel more relaxed while driving if the driving age was increased to eighteen? The driving age in most Canadian provinces and territories is currently sixteen. The leading cause of death in sixteen and seventeen year olds is automobile accidents. One can argue that teenagers would gain more experience with time if the driving age were to be increased. “The risk of being involved in a car accident is the highest for drivers aged 16- to 19-year-olds than it is for any other age group. For each mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are about four times more likely than other drivers to crash.” (Brown) With these statistics it is interesting that drivers’ education is not made mandatory for new drivers. Teens are known as greater risk takers relative to adults. Another possible issue is that teenagers do not fully understand the rules of the road; some may say teenagers are too young to grasp the consequences of irresponsible driving, or some may feel that the rules do not apply to them. This combined with the operation of a vehicle and limited on-the-road experience is clearly a mix that leads to a greater chance of getting into an accident. Sixteen year-olds are not even able to make decisions that matter to society let alone take responsibility for their own actions i.e. buying cigarettes or committing a crime. It can be argued that sixteen year olds are simply not mature enough and do not recognize different situations on the roads and highways to make split second decisions. Teenagers are also easily distracted, sending text, talking on the phone, eating or drinking, not to mention talking or showing off to friends who are in the vehicle, these can definitely distract teenagers while driving. Teens are also most likely not to wear seat belts and are not experienced at recognizing hazards; this and also taking

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