Dracula Assigment Essay

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English 2309-004 and -005 Spring 2014 Paper 2: Dracula Criticism Summary-Response Essay Assignment Sheet Description: After reading the novel Dracula, students will choose one of seven short provocative critical essays at the back of their Norton Critical Edition of Dracula and write Summary-Response essays about the critical essay (not the novel). Students will form groups on F 3/28 to discuss their chosen essays. This assignment emphasizes critical thinking, reading, and writing. Due dates (also listed on syllabus Course Schedule): F 3/28: Group work day; have read your selected essay and bring notes for discussion (-10 points if missed) M 4/7: Upload as one continuous document to Blackboard prior to class Length: 3-5 pages total and a Works Cited page in MLA format Summary: 1-2 pages Response: 2-3 pages Works Cited page: Two sources, 1) primary source: the critical essay that you have chosen to write about and 2) secondary source: the novel Dracula itself quoted/paraphrased as needed for support in your response portion The seven essays are: 1. “Suddenly Sexual Women in Bram Stoker’s Dracula” by Phyllis A. Roth (pp. 411-21) 2. “Dracula: The Unseen Face in the Mirror” by Carol A. Senf (pp. 421-31) 3. “A Capital Dracula” by Franco Moretti—It has two parts; students may write about either or both (pp. 431-44) 4. “‘Kiss Me with Those Red Lips’: Gender and Inversion in Bram Stoker’s Dracula” by Christopher Craft (pp. 444-59) 5. “Dracula’s Backlash” by Bram Dijsktra (pp. 460-62) 6. “The Occidental Tourist: Dracula and the Anxiety of Reverse Colonization” by Stephen D. Arata (pp. 462-70) 7. “A Wilde Desire Took Me: The Homoerotic History of Dracula” by Talia Schaffer (pp. 470-82) Resources: * Dr. England: nengland@uta.edu and Carlisle Hall 606 (office hours TTh 2-3:30) * UTA Writing Center: www.uta.edu/owl *

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