Dr. Mullaination: Does A Name Affect My Future?

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Everyone in this world has a name. Most important of all, more often than not you don’t get to choose your name; it is your parent that chooses who you are to be calls for the rest of your life. The name they choose for you could be a fatal role for you when you grow up, but ask yourself this, does a name affect the way people treat you as you advance in this fragmented society? Some may say yes and other may say no. There was a recent debate between two professors at Harvard University about this topic. Roland G. Fryer, Jr, a professor at Harvard University, say no name will affect your future. Cultural segregation is the special words he uses to talk about the gap between white and black cultural name. Dr. Mullaination at Harvard University says that a name will affect your future. He conduct a study on how long will it take for a person with a white name to get a job. He did the same for a person with a black name. His findings show that it took about 10 weeks for a person with a white name to get a job and 15 weeks for black name.…show more content…
Mullaination is how long does it takes for a person with an Asian name to find a job? I’m rather curious because I am Asian as well and I will need a job sooner or later. In my opinion I believe a name does not affect your future, but it will affect how you meet people in life. For example, I would most likely be friend with a person that has an Asian name other than a black name because from pass experience and I don’t really trust African

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