Double Mastectomy Research Paper

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America, land of the 'quick fix' culture (NaturalNews) Think you might someday get breast cancer? There's a quick fix for that: Chop 'em off! It's called a "preventive double mastectomy" and surgeons are right now successfully convincing women who don't even have breast cancer to have both their breasts surgically removed. Is your government drowning in debt? There's a quick fix for that: Print more money! Don't worry about currency debasement and the long-term blowout collapse of the U.S. dollar that will bankrupt the nation. We need another hit of that bailout money! Is your kid too hyperactive at home and at school? Don't bother changing his diet, removing corn syrup and artificial food colors from his daily intake. No, that would…show more content…
Don't address psychiatric drug abuse, bad parenting, violent video games and other behavioral causes. Just blame all the gun owners and make everybody turn in their guns! Problem solved, right? It's yet another quick fix snow job. Worried about your kid getting the flu or the whooping cough? Don't bother giving them more nutrition: vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and superfoods. Nope, just jab them with a needle, call it "immunization" and be happy with the quick fix! Why the "quick fix" culture will destroy America If you look around America today, everything is a quick fix solution; sweeping the problem under the rug; ignoring the causes and treating the symptoms. Whether you're talking about banking and finance, agriculture, public health, foreign policy, government spending or even public education, it's all one grand quick-fix snow job. This quick-fix approach is, of course, childish and immature. It is the abandonment of mature, adult planning for the future. A successful society (and nation) needs wisdom, foresight and planning. It needs leaders who have the courage to address core solutions rather than settling for short-term symptom

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