Dooright Enterprises Pty Report

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Dooright Enterprises Pty - Report Company Background Dooright Enterprises Pty is a furniture retailer that encompasses five shops and a warehouse. A significant amount of their trade is done over the internet on their website, which has a secure on-line shopping facility. The organisation has a total of thirty five employees comprising of the CEO, four managers in the areas of sales, marketing, finance and HR, twenty two sales staff, three IT staff and five administrations staff. Current Issues Networked computers and Outlook are primarily used to manage their knowledge and there is a formal system in place for accounting related functions, but not for tracking customer information. As this manner of knowledge management is not efficient and outdated it is suspected to be the main cause for loss of sales. Objective Our objective is to provide recommendations to improve the current knowledge management system by providing available options and suggestions. Current system Basic system in place for accounting functions, but no available procedures available for the collection and tracking of essential customer information. Desired Outcome For Dooright Enterprises to have an up to date knowledge management system in place, including updated software for accounting and point of sales and software for tracking important customer information. Action Required * Install new and up to date software to keep accounting functions efficient * Install software for keep track of customer information * Implement new procedures to knowledge management Gap Analysis Identified Gaps in system performance | Potential Solutions | Priority for action | No system in place for tracking customer info | Install best suited software | Needs to be implemented immediately for best results | Update accounting system | Review and install up to date software |

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