Don't Lose Hope

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From cervical cancer to breast cancer, cancer is a disease that is known all over the world. According to a study done by Sean Khozin, MD, MPH, the total number of deaths so far in the US from all types of cancer in 2011 is estimated to be almost 600,000 (300,430 men and 271,520 women) and over 1.5 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2011 (822,300 men and 774,370 women). Cancer is a deadly disease that has some very serious effects on a person both physically and mentally. Cancer can result in a simple surgery that may take only a couple days, or a life changing struggle that leaves someone so fatigued and tired that it makes them want to give up. It will put fear in anyone's eyes and will devastate even the strongest of people, but cancer can also bring out the courageousness in a person to fight this disease. It can be fatal but it can also bring out the strength in someone to overcome it, which is an amazing thing. Cancer has many serious effects on a person's body and their mental health, but can also inspire a person to dig deep and fight this deadly disease. In "The Emperor of All Maladies" author Siddhartha Mukherjee uses the story of his patient Carla, in order to emphasize that with new technology and medical research, there is hope when diagnosed with cancer. Mukherajee begins the narrative with a story about Carla Reed, a thirty-year old kindergarten teacher, who has been having medical problems. Mukherajee observes that she, "had bruises on her back...her gums had begun to turn white...[she] could barely walk up a flight of stairs...and is exhausted and unable to stand". Carla has been miss diagnosed on several occasions. This demonstrates how during this time, it was hard to determine whether it was actually cancer or something else going on in the body. Carla has visited the doctors twice since she has been getting these symptoms and each
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