Domestic Violence Analysis Paper

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Axia College Material Appendix E Critical Analysis Forms Fill out one form for each source. |Source 1 Title and Citation: Batterer Intervention Programs Can Prevent Domestic Violence At Issue | |Batterer Intervention Programs Can Prevent Domestic Violence At Issue: How Can Domestic Violence Be Prevented? Ed. Lisa Yount. | |Detroit: Green Haven Press, 2006. Retrieved July 30, 2009 from Gale Power Search database | | | | | |How Batterer Intervention Programs Can Prevent Domestic…show more content…
If none exist, explain how you |strong emotion to change an opinion she just used the facts. | | |determined this. | | | | |No fallacies exist in this particular article. This article is derived from | |6 |Identify and name any fallacies used by the |facts being supported with statistics and detailed description. | | |author. If none exist, explain how you | | | |determined this. | | | | |The author uses several perspectives to examine the arguments of domestic | |7 |State one argument made by the author. |violence, that batterer programs add an effect beyond the other intervention| | | |components. Current interventions appear to be making some difference for…show more content…
(Green Haven Press, 2006) | | | | | |8 |Identify the premises and conclusion of the |Premises: “Regardless of one's viewpoint about the morality or | | |argument. |constitutionality of Domestic Violence, most people would agree that if we | | | |are going to continue help battered woman in the U.S., we should be doing it| | | |fairly and rationally.” | | | | | | | |Conclusion: “However, three factors, unrelated to the crime itself, greatly
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