Benefits Of Shopping Essay

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Doing the shopping. Is it a pleasure or a pressure? Nowadays, a lot of people can’t even imagine their lives without shopping. They are always hanging around different boutiques, supermarkets, department stores etc. whether they need sth or not. But there are still some people who hate shopping and find it extremely boring and tiresome. So why people think in such different ways and is it really possible to find a right balance in shopping? On the one hand, shopping can bring us a lot of happiness and pleasure. First of all, it depends on our attitude towards it. For example, I prefer shopping on a weekday so as not to be disturbed by the crowds. That’s why I find what I’m looking for straight away and in one hour later I’m back home relaxing with a cup of tea feeling of sympathy for those still on the run. What’s more, dropping at the jeweller’s can make you feel much better because you can always find sth really with-it there. So, shopping is some kind of therapy.…show more content…
For instance, when you need to shop for stationery, cleaning products, toiletries or hardware you can easily get bored. Furthermore, if you do your shopping on the modern high street, you should be ready. There are always a lot of people fighting their way through the street despite the crowds and bad weather. To add more, shopping can also be very disappointing when you can’t find sth fitting you like a glove. As a result, you return home dissatisfied and unhappy. And last but not least, when shopping too much, you can lose your shirt in a minute. All things considered, although shopping isn’t always such a great pleasure, I strongly believe that it has become an essential part of our lives and we can do nothing with it. Just once try to visit different shops with your friends from opening to closing time, searching frantically for sth to buy as if there was no tomorrow, and you’ll love it for the rest of your

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