Does the End Justify the Means?

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“Does the end always justify the means?” The ends justify the means refers to honest ideas which hold the consequences of actions. The end justifies the means is a debate that many people have had in todays society and, in my opinion, I do not agree with the end always justifying the means. However, I do agree – as well as a lot of people – believe that intentions are a lot more important than our actions for example a burgular coming into a farm at the late of night with a knife, the farmer spots the burgular and the farmer shoots the burgular to save his wife and children. Some people might also think the outcome is the greater good such as somebody cheating in a Maths test to get higher marks; the action would not be good. However, the outcome, getting a high mark, is considerd good. On the other hand, I disagree with ‘The end justifying the mean’ beacause the result might cause yet another problem than you have already made. An example of something the end not justifying the means is if a person saves up months to buy a new computer however they have stolen the money from their friends or others to do so, the end of the situation is not justified. This is because the individual gained the money by stealing which is illegal. Therefore, the end does not justify the means. On the other hand if a person saves up their OWN money in a fair way to buy the computer the end justifys the means. As a conclusion, I do not agree with the end justifying the means beacause of it making an even bigger problem than it already started

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