Does Source B Support Source a in Its Impression of Haig?

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source a and source b are different as one is a primary source and one is an secondary source, this means that one was written at the time and the other was written later on after the event, normally the secondary source is more reliable as it would normally include all views of the people in the situation and would not be bias, during this essay I will be writing weather I thing source b supports source a in the impression oh Haig. source a is a primary source, source a tells us that the person who has written the source or said the words wants to win the war, I know this because in the text it says, "will enable victories to be won" this shows us that he is saying that there will be victories, which means he will try his best to make sure he is the best and the winner. Moreover source A tells us that the person speaking is important I am lead to believe this due to the following quotes, "the nation " and also " the nation must be prepared" by writing this it enables the reader to think that by writing "the nation" the person must be important as to address the country or place as a nation. in addition in source B, (which is a secondary source) proves that general Haig wanted to win the war at all costs I think this because in the source the text says, " he ordered more attacks but the same tragic story was repeated" also "British and the French had lost 620,000 men and the Germans 450,000." this proves that general Haig wanted to win the war at all costs as he kept trying to attack and every time most of the men died, in addition both sources are similar as in source B over one million men were killed but general Haig would not stop and carried on attacking. on the other hand in source A the text tries to promote general Haig while in source B the text demotes the general, for example, "20,000 British soldiers were killed and 35, 000 wounded, but this did not

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