Do You Agree with the Views That the Real Purpose of the Morley-Minto Reforms Was to ‘Divide the Nationalist Ranks’?

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Do you agree with the views that the real purpose of the Morley-Minto reforms was to ‘divide the nationalist ranks’? The Morley-Minto reforms were created in 1909 with the aim to create a more informed and better government for India. Minto said himself that the reforms would “satisfy the legitimate aspirations of all but the most advanced Indians”. It was a big step for India because it gave them a voice, one of the reasons for this being because of the Simla delegation created in 1906, and this allowed for some Indians to become involved in government. The reforms had many purposes and was mainly triggered by the partition of Bengal in 1905 which meant that a lot of Hindus and Muslims were quite angry and wanted change. The British needed to cater for the two main parties in India at that time which were The Indian National Congress and All Indian Muslim league. Source 3 believes that the main aim of the reforms was to divide nationalist ranks. Source 3 was written by Chandra who is Indian so his views are more likely going to be saying that the reforms divided nationalist ranks. He goes to say how there was a system of “separate electorates” showing that even in congress there was a split between religions and that Muslims “could only vote for Muslim candidates” and this showed that the interests of Hindus and Muslims were “separate not common”. This portrays how Chandra strongly agrees that the reforms were to only divide the nationalist ranks and not to help India at all. This is supported by the fact that seats were reserved for Muslims in congress and it was done for a cross-section of public opinion. With separate electorates Muslims were then able to have their own say because they didn’t want to be ruled by Hindu organisations and so the Simla Deputation was set up which consisted of 70 delegations representing Muslims. This shows how the one part of

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