Do You Agree with the View That Catherine of Aragon Was Important in Delaying the Divorce from Henry Viii? Explain Your Answer Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 and Your Own Knowledge (40 Marks)

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Catherine of Aragon played a vital role in delaying the annulment from Henry VIII. Her links to Charles V, her defence and her delaying strategy ultimately prolonged the annulment from Henry. However, we also must into account other factors such as the Sacking of Rome in 1527 where the pope himself was taken prisoner. Also, Henry’s timing of the annulment and his very poor strategy meant Henry was delaying the annulment himself due to this poor strategy. Firstly, Catherine of Aragon played a vital role in delaying the annulment from Henry because her links to Charles meant that Charles himself could intervene with the annulment. Also, after the Sacking of Rome in 1527, Pope Clement VII was taken prisoner and was really acting under Charles’ orders. Due to these circumstances, Catherine of Aragon used Charles V to delay the annulment for as long as she could. In Source 1, this is clearly shown in the words, “But that Charles was Catherine’s nephew”. From this I can infer that due to Catherine’s links to Charles, Catherine could use Charles to block or delay the annulment from Henry. The key factor in all of this as that Catherine had very good family links to foreign rulers such as Charles V, who was the most powerful man in Europe at the time being both the King of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor, two very important positions in the time of Henry’s annulment. Also, Catherine’s defence against the annulment played a role in delaying the annulment for over 5 years. Her very strong defence delayed the annulment before Henry had to resort to other measures outside the Catholic Church gave the annulment case more time. This is clearly shown in Source 3, which is shown in the words, “She could not expect a fair trial in England, who would eventually bend to the King’s will”. From this I can infer that her delaying strategy was that the annulment case was delayed long
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