Do the Needs of the Majority Come Before Individual Fullfillment?

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Do the needs of the majority come before individual fulfillment? “We must be all alike. Not everyone is born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against." This clearly reflects Beatty’s beliefs, as captain of the firemen forces, but it also depicts the wide-spread way of thinking in the dystopian society displayed in “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, or in “A Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood, where the needs of the majority are put before the possibility of individual fulfillment. The themes of conformity to society against individualism are displayed in these two novels that push the reader to question himself on how regimes in dystopian societies are sometimes set up only for the sake of the majority, suppressing individual identities. In Fahrenheit 451, in order to maintain the sameness of society, books are burnt, as they are the symbol of knowledge; they also symbolize the suppression of individual or dissenting ideas that can go against the ideas spread by the government through mass media, in order to control the minds (therefore the actions) of the people. Fahrenheit 451 doesn’t provide a single, clear explanation of why books are banned. Instead, it suggests that many different factors combined created this result. First of all, there was a gradual development of a lack of interest in reading, that eventually brought people to be actively hostile towards books, because of envy; people don’t like to feel inferior to those who have read more than they have, spreading discontent among the masses. Also, people thought that the huge mass of published books was too
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