Do Personality Tests Have a Good Contribution on Recruitment

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Do personality tests have a good contribution on recruitment? Personality test is a questionnaire, standardized and objective instrument designed to assess people’s character and psychology. The personality tests through a range of scenarios to predict what a person like, what would they likely to be and their preferences. There are some popular personality tests on the market such as IPAT Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF); Edwards Personal Preference Schedule; California Psychological Inventory; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI); HummWadsworth Temperament Scale; Kostick’s Perception and Preference Inventory and MyersBriggs Type Indicators (MBTI). In recent decades, personality tests are not only used on individual and relationship counseling, it is becoming popular in career planning and in job hiring process. Today, companies are trying to assess candidates’ preferred work style and enhance their decision making about the potential of candidates through personality tests. This essay will first identify the current role that personality tests play on hiring process in Australia. The essay will then provide two side to argue does personality tests have a good contribution on recruitment performance or not. Today, personality tests play an important role on recruitment in Australia. According to McFadden (2011), education level, work experience, capability or background are no longer enough to identify does a candidate will be appropriate for a position or will he/she matches for a company. Many companies have started using personality test on employee selection, they believe that the personality tests can reflects candidates’ personality such as is he/she an introversion or extroversion person; emotional stability; sensing or judging types. By knowing candidates’ personality, it can enhance recruiters’ decision making on choosing
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