Analysis of Dylan Thomas' Villanelle: 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'

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Do not go gentle into that good night Dylan Thomas’s poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night”, is a poignant commentary on death, inspired in part by the impending death of his own father, who faced deteriorating health and frailty during the last few years of his life. This poem is written using the fixed poetry format of “villanelle”, in which there are only two rhyme sounds. The poem is nineteen lines in length, made up of five stanzas of three lines each and the final stanza of four lines. The rhythm of the poem is ABA, ABA, differing from that used in a sonnet, which uses three stanzas of four lines each, and ends with a two line couplet with a rhyming pattern of ABAB. The first and third line of each stanza in a villanelle have a rhythmic pattern (night, light; right, night; bright, light; flight, night; sight, light; and height, night, light in the last four line stanza), whereas the second line of all six stanzas rhyme (day; they; bay; way; gay; and pray). Thomas’s use of simple repetitive language keeps the iambic pentameter, which is ten syllables per line and the lack of flowery adjectives also, aid this meter. An iambic pentameter consists five iambic feet per line with one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. The word death is never used throughout the poem, but the imagery that Thomas conjures up, with the use of words such as “into that goodnight’; “at their end know dark is right” and “against the dying light”, leads one to the conclusion that the subject being addressed by the speaker is death. Thomas alternates between command and persuasion in how he uses the phrase, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” In the first stanza, this phrase is used more as a command and asking men not to give up easily and to live life to the full, even they feel they are approaching the end of their lives. In the second line,”Old age should

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