Dna Profiling Paternity Investigation

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Biology DNA Report 1. What is a DNA Profile? Fingerprinting technology, which is known as DNA profiling, can be used to identify individuals. Modern DNA profiling, STR analysis, only needs a few skin cells, a hair root or a tiny amount of blood or saliva. DNA profiling is useful for solving crimes but can also be used to confirm if people are related to each other. (Forensic scientists, Parenity tests, Relatives) 2. How can it be used? Paternity Tests How it works Half genetic info from mother and half from father. Scientists take pinprick of blood from child, the mother and supposed father. Half DNA fragments that make up a child's STR profiles come from the mother and half from the natural father. If child's STR profile contains fragments that can't be matched to supposed father, he can be ruled out as the child's natural father.…show more content…
(Jeremy Kyle, Jerry Springer) Example Mother of child had sex with another man nearby a time where she had sex with her boyfriend/husband before she found out she was pregnant. She therefore doesn't know who the biological father is of the child. She has to now take a DNA profiling paternity test. 3. Why are people concerned about it? Do you agree or disagree? A paternity test not working out the way you wanted it to can cause a lot of probelms such as family issues, fights and arguements. Price range between £250 to £1200. I agree with paternity testing. It is a very good and accurate way of finding out your biological relationships with family. It is the most accurate way of finding out the
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