Discuss Whether Curriculum Approaches from Other Countries Have Made a Significant Contribution to the Quality of Early Years Provision in the 21st Century.

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Discuss whether curriculum approaches from other countries have made a significant contribution to the quality of early years provision in the 21st century. This essay will look at what quality of early years provision is and it will discuss and identify whether Reggio Emilia approach from another country contributed to the quality of early years provision. It will further discuss if Reggio Emilia ways of teaching could have contributed to the Foundation Stage Curriculum in England. It could be concluded that it is hard to measure the quality of early years provision and it could be assumed that Reggio Emilia approach made an input to the quality of play provision in the 21st century. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (DCFS 2008) states that high quality provision is a continuous process which: improves outcomes for children through high ambitions and effective practice; offers personalised learning, development and support; builds the base for future success and involves parents in children’s learning and development. It could be suggested that practitioners in early years settings hold on to the EYFS (DCFS 2008) and its outcomes for children therefore the quality of provision should follow. Recent research (Sylva et al. 2003) proposes that quality could be understood as a set of measurable characteristics. Stokes and Wilkinson (2007) demonstrate difficulty of measuring quality consequently it could be argued that it is complicated to measure the quality of early years provision. In addition Alexander (2010) suggests that quality for practitioners could be understood in requirements of resources, environment or different approaches to learning, which could possibly contrast with the quality for parents, who may perhaps view the quality of the settings by opening hours and convenience. Therefore, it could be assumed that it is difficult to know what a quality

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