Discuss How Carol’s Response to John’s Principles and Values Is Presented in This Extract and Elsewhere in the Play

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Carol develops a very logical yet provocative response to John’s principles and values. The extract simply yet effectively almost spells out John’s goals from Carol’s point of view, which results in the reader no longer having to infer how she feels in regards to the circumstances. Carol takes control and dominates the situation, and the roles have consequently been reversed in regards to ‘power’. Carol makes her response to John’s principles and values very clear, and tells him exactly how she feels towards him and his actions. On P.67 Carol says, ‘You asked me why I came? I came here to instruct you’. This is the point in which John realises he is no longer able to objectify women, and that due to political correctness and the prominent feminism movement in the 90’s, women will no longer be afraid to question what they believe to be politically incorrect. John’s principles are once again questioned on P.64 when Carol says, ‘you are to be disciplined’, showing further how the ‘inferior’ (Carol/women/the working class) now have a voice and are able to object to any behaviour they feel un-suitable by the ‘superior’ (John/men/the upper middle class). Carol’s long, powerful rant responding to John’s principles and values in the extract is mirrored by a very simple response at the very end of the play P.80, ‘Yes. That’s right’. These three simple words conclude the whole of Carol’s argument and John’s actions prove her to be correct. John knows he will no longer be able to use his views, principles, race, gender and status to his advantage to get out of the situation, thus he resorts to the only superiority he has over her, physical strength. The structure of Carol’s argumentative response to John’s principles and values is considerably eloquent and flows well. John’s counter-argument on the other hand is short and simplistic. This in itself proves how John’s
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