Perks Of Being A Wallflower Essay

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For my two chosen related texts I have chosen an image and a movie. The image is called “The Historic Wayfarer” by Tim Storrier and the movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” originally by Stephen Chbosky’s novel. And the main text is “Away” the script by Michael Gow. Discovery is a part of life. It happens every day, every week and year. When individuals are young they discover emotional, creative, physical, spiritual and intellectual factors in life. And as time goes by, and the older people get, the more intricate and even confusing the discoveries are. Growth is a large part of discovery and the first related text I have “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” the moral of the storyline is exactly this. Charlie grows and discovers many things about his life and mental state. For example, at the end when he becomes alone due to his friends leaving, his mind is not occupied and he digs further into his memories and…show more content…
Creativity not only includes art and painting, but innovative ideas, new ways to think of things. A new perspective. Thinking outside the box. A light bulb itself is like a spark in the brain, this is seen on cartoons as ‘a new idea.’ I think that this is a major aspect of discovery, because after a discovery is made, a new light is shed on the situation. In Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie is very smart and thinks outside the box, he is innovative and so his discoveries frequently come from this creative side of his personality. Overall, discovery is made up of small factors such as emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual and creative. It is a part of growth and learning but the theme I have focused my visual representation is on travel and how it is represented in discovery, it gives a new perspective from being away from home which is relevant to all of my texts; particularly Away because at the end of the story, they all end up resolving all of their problems that they had at the start of the play by
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