Disciplines in Leisure

1991 Words8 Pages
DISCIPLINES IN LEISURE Leisure is prevalent within society, a measure of time where people are not partaking in everyday routines. Leisure comes under many disciplines of Sociology, Economics, Geography and Psychology. This essay will look at three disciplines of Sociology, Economics and Geography based on a trip with Japanese students to Melbourne with the cup being the dominant feature. Topics of constraints, cultural class, gambling, gender, geographical settings and animals in sport are identified to how these constitute within particular disciplines. Reflection will be made towards how different cultural perspectives are seen within different leisure activities that constitutes the selected topics. Relevance is discussed to the freedom of participation of structural activities, which dominate leisure in a different cultural environment that broadens the perceptions of how different cultures integrate leisure within society. It will be discussed how wealth in leisure becomes a dominant notion and the effects on the event of the cup. (Lynch & Veal, 2007, p. 107) states that sociology is defined as studies of different areas of society and how they contribute to leisure, various disciplines are applied which incorporates topics which are related within these disciplines. Working for a non government agency as a volunteer will see my next assignment escort a group of young Japanese students on a three day trip to Melbourne. Unfortunately these students come with a disadvantage due to limited funding within the family unit, subsequently government funding became available to assist with accommodation and travel. Great thought and planning required lateral thinking into what structural activities could be offered in the way of leisure for the trip incorporating the Melbourne Cup. Travelling with Japanese students, offers learning of there culture in

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