Discipline At School

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Discipline at home and at school Discipline is a way of life. From childhood to adulthood, discipline plays a very vital role in the moral development of a person. The word 'discipline' is actually an ancient Latin word 'discipulus' which means a disciple. Discipline is a quality which a person learns throughought his life, especially in his/her childhood, the age of learning. Some people may think that discipline is about punishment. When kids are asked what they thought and they came up with all these great ideas. So, what is discipline? "Learning the rules and keeping them." "Looking after yourself and others." "Doing the right thing." "Being a good member of society." "Learning the difference between right and wrong." "Knowing that if you do something wrong there will be consequences or punishments and you will deserve them." "If you’re in the army or something it means following orders." "Being in charge of yourself." Together we decided that discipline is about learning and keeping the rules, to keep others and ourselves safe and happy. There are rules to learn at home, at school and out in the world. It must be agreed that discpline certainly starts at home, continues into schooling, and so on. Since these two places (home and school)…show more content…
Some schools will have specific school discipline policies relating to entering a class. In general, pupils will either line up before entering or come straight into the class. In either case, the entrance is a great opportunity to show discipline in a calm atmosphere. Seating plans in general are a great school discipline. It allows the students to know others better, and helps to improve the unity of a class. Taking part in the assembly, reciting the oath and singing the national anthem are also very good forms of disciplines which help to improve the moral quality of a
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