Dirt Bikes Essay

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Dirt Bike Riders Is dirt bike riding dangerous all the time? I’ll show you the goods and the bads of being a dirt bike rider. I will tell you about dirt bike riders on the track and off the track. You will be able to see all the bads and goods on an off the track. Dirt bike riders can get hurt while working on their bikes or even just out somewhere. Dirt bike riders don’t always get hurt on the track, they can get hurt from car accidents. Getting hurt off the track can mess up a dirt bike rider’s whole career. Most of the time dirt bike riders travel a lot so you’re almost never home. You have to either have money or be sponsored by someone so you have gas for races and to get to the races in your car. Dirt bikes are exposed to many risks and dangers while riding. The speed and height that can be reached when dirt biking increases the risk for bodily injuries. Because dirt bikes are commonly ridden very quickly over rough terrain or jumped over hills and ditches, the danger of falling from significant heights and hitting the ground with great force is high. Injuries from these types of falls or crashes include bruising, cuts and scrapes, muscle strains and sprains, fractured bones, joint dislocations, internal injuries, head injuries and, in some cases, death. Wearing appropriate attire and safety gear and dirt biking with caution can help prevent or reduce the risk for serious injury. Dirt biking through the woods or on trails in more remote areas can be dangerous, especially when riding alone. As with any motor vehicle, a dirt bike can present dangers to the rider because of mechanical failure or other problems. Mechanical or engine failure while riding with others or on a jumping track can be very hazardous as the rider and bike could become an obstacle for other riders or may jump short or long causing a fall and crash to the ground. In addition, dirt

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