Differences Between Three Strike And Habitual Offenders

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“Three Strikes” or Habitual Offender Comprehensive Exam Whitney Polen CJ 602: Comprehensive Examination Kaplan University July 31, 2014 Dr. Patricia Drown Introduction The “three strike”/habitual offender’s legislation needs to be consistent through all of the states. What it will take to understand why some offenders feel they need to repeat this criminal activity, having legislation that will work against these repeat offenders, because not all states are on board with the three strike law. Once someone is labeled a habitual offender and they commit a crime there are increases in the penalties they can be assessed. The type of crimes these offenders commit can also be ranked in a more serious class than if a first time offender had committed it. The sentencing can also add more time when a habitual offender commits a crime. This can also lead to poor opportunities of having the sentence reduced because of good behavior, because they are habitual offenders. And if a person that has been convicted of a crime once and is caught again could be classified as a habitual…show more content…
Try to change the behaviors of those they know are still committing crime that can lead others to this life in prison. But for some it does not matter what type of program they are in or standing in front of the judge telling them they have two strikes. Habitual offenders will continue to go through the system and end up overcrowding them because they just do not care, about their life or anyone else’s. So the “three strike law or habitual offender” needs to be tuff on crime and those who continue to abuse the
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