Did Germany Face a Bigger Threat from the Left or Right Wing Between 1919-1923?

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Did Germany face a bigger threat from the Left or Right wing between 1919-1923? From its start, the Weimar Republic experienced problems from both the Left and Right wing. The hatred for the government of those on the Left was encouraged by the successful Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 whilst the Right wing felt betrayed by a government who had allegedly stabbed them in the back by agreeing to the armistice and signing the Treaty of Versailles. However both threats from the Left and the Right had underlying problems, which made them easier to put down by the government. After the unsuccessful attempt at a revolution, which was easily repressed, the Left never fully recovered its momentum and did not have enough support to overthrow the government whereas although the Right attempts quickly fell short, the threat from the Right wing continued to grow. The declaration on the 7th November 1918 that Bavaria was a Socialist Republic and the success of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution encouraged the growth of socialist ideology in Germany which culminated in the Spartacist Uprising in January 1919. The uprising, lead by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg began in Berlin and forced the government to withdraw to Weimar. However inadequate leadership, poor organisation, internal divisions and lack of support meant that the government could easily repress the uprisings using the Freikorps who ended the rebellion and the lives of Liebknecht and Luxemburg. Similarly, 30,000 Freikorps were used by the government on 3rd May 1919 to attack the Bavarian Soviet Republic, which was formed after the assassination of Eisner and led by Eugen Levine. Once again the Freikorps were successful in overturning the communists. It is clear that the threats from the Left wing were serious as the government had to forcibly put them down using the support from the Right, suggesting
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