Development of Scientific Attitudes

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Development of Scientific Attitudes The responsibility to develop scientific attitudes among the students lies on the shoulders of teacher, as he is the only person who can manipulate all the situations in such a manner by which feature of scientific attitudes can be installed among them. Students look upon the teacher as their role model for which it is necessary for the teacher to possess all the positive qualities. He should possess the qualities of honesty, giving importance to the other's views and to take decisions on the basis of various scientific evidences. Then the students will emulate the teacher for his qualities and through it, a favourable and permanent impression of the teacher will be left out on the students by which they will become able to adopt the same kind of attitude. As known that science is a practical subject, for which it becomes additional responsibility of teacher imparting this subject to provide opportunities to participate in various kinds of activities to the students at larger extent. It is necessary for the science teacher to provide opportunities to the students for independent working, extra-readingv laboratory works and playing an important role in solving various kinds of problems through scientific methods. An important tool through which a teacher can develop quality of scientific attitude among the students is educational curriculum. Such projects and functions should be suggested by the teachers with the help of which students can get such opportunities to get participated in such functions by which their ability to solve various kinds of problems get developed. It is usually found that students who remain engaged in wide reading in general science get scientific attitudes developed more easily and quickly than the students who do not take participate in such kind of activities. Spirit of healthy criticism
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