Design Argument Religious Education

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i) The teleological argument comes from the Greek word ‘telos’, which means end or purpose. The teleological argument argues that the existence and the complexity of the universe including the order, beauty and purpose of the world cannot be an accident. Therefore, an intelligent and purposeful God must have designed the universe; therefore, this proves Gods existence. There are two forms of the design argument; the first is the analogical argument, which includes the parts of the universe and human design. The second is the inductive argument. This is based on observation and is therefore a posteriori. It argues that the universe shows regular motion as it abides by laws and rules. Paley believed in the analogical argument, he believed that the universe’s complexity could be explained through a watch. The pieces in a watch are so complex and so must mean that it has an intelligent designer. All the pieces are put together for a purpose e.g. a watch uses motion to point at the time of day. The watch could not have come about by accident; this proves that there is a watchmaker. Paley then used his theory on the world. He said that the universe was not an accident and therefore must also have a designer. As the universe has such an intricate design, for example the position he earth is from the sun is so exact that the universe mist have an intelligent designer; God. Paley believed it must have been God because he is omnipotent and is therefore powerful enough to create the world and the complexity it contains. Paley believed that no one else would have been intelligent enough to create the order and complexity of the universe. Aquinas also argues the point that the order and purpose of the world proves that there must be a designer behind it. He believed that God was the answer to the unexplainable and that all natural bodies act for an end. An example for
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